About Our Region
Welcome to the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group
(ESRAG) Oceania Regional Chapter.
We catalyse collaborative relationships that actually solve environmental problems.

Our Vision, Mission, Values
Our Mission
To be the trusted leader/partner/collaborator/agent to foster the implementation of Environmental Sustainability (ES) initiatives through Rotary across Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands. We do this through innovation and collaboration with Rotary Clubs and with other stakeholders, including Government, non-government and corporate entities.
We also support clubs to embrace supporting the environment as the new Area of Focus.
Our Vision
ESRAG Oceania is the voice of Rotary on the environment in the Oceania region.
Our Core Functions
Curate, Enable, Lead, Share and Inspire Rotarians to Create, Do, Manage and Document ES projects and events
Our Goals
1. an Environmental Sustainability representative in every club
2. an Environmental Sustainability committee in every club
3. an Environmental Sustainability team/group/committee in every District
4. a network of District Environmental Sustainability Coordinators in the region
5. a network of Local Solutions Task Forces where people collaborate to solve specific environmental challenges
6. significant ESRAG membership growth in the region
Who, Why, What
We are members of Rotary, the Rotary Family and Associates in the Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands Region who work together as ‘Environmental Solutionists’
We need an environmentally sustainable planet so that people and other species can thrive.
As trusted organisations with extensive networks, Rotary and ESRAG are uniquely placed to foster collaborative relationships that advance local, regional and global environmental solutions.
Oceania enables and empowers Rotarians and other changemakers to implement solutions to environmental issues by catalysing projects, providing discussion forums and taking leadership on major issues.
Our approach
We articulate our key strengths and purpose so that people and organizations join with us to collaborate and solve environmental problems in our region.
We develop strategic plans to create self organizing ‘ecosystems of change’ that take action and effectively implement environmental solutions
We develop simple plans processes, procedures, governance structures that enable scalable deployment of solutions.
We recruit people from around the Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands Region by providing empowerment, a sense of purpose and processes that enable them to contribute to global Environmental Sustainability in a meaningful way.
We are working to build a regional network of hundreds of skilled professionals who volunteer both their time and skills. We believe we have unprecedented opportunities to create the most cost-effective impact
Rather than compete against other organizations working on Environmental Sustainability we work with them to create ‘Ecosystems of Change’ where collaboration and innovation amplifies impact. We also facilitate partnerships between developed countries and developing (eg Microfinance of Solar Rooftops in developing nations. Benefits- clean cookstoves and increased education)
Through effective communication and celebration of achievements we provide the motivation so that people of passion and purpose remain engaged to maximise their potential to create impact
Our key to success is our projects. We facilitate the implementation, scale-up and scale-out of meaningful projects into local communities around the Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands region.
By becoming a supporting member you’ll enjoy the FEEL GOOD FACTOR of making a difference and joining and supporting a community of people taking action to create a better world for future generations.
15 Great Reasons To Join As A Member
- It’s fun.
- It’s for our kids and grandkids.
- It’s meaningful.
- It makes a difference.
- It makes us proud.
- You can help grow Rotary membership by supporting attracting a younger demographic
- You can support creating a substantial non-political environmental movement by leveraging Rotary’s trusted brand
- You are truly ‘Supporting the Environment’ to create a better world for future generations
- You can make new ‘like-minded’ friends from around the world
- You can use your skills and passions to truly do good at a time when the world needs it
- You are seen by family and friends as a person who cares about our Natural World
- Your early stage support helps fund the development of our digital platform and systems, including this website so we can better support Districts, Clubs and Projects
- You gain access to our ‘Education, Solutions and Collaborative Relationship’ systems we are developing
- You help support us develop the systems so your own District/Club can be eligible for more Foundation Grants
- It’s only US$30 – less than the price of a coffee a month – or $2 a reason!
What is ESRAG
ESRAG is the global Rotary Action Group that was instrumental in having ‘Supporting the Environment’ announced as the new Area of Focus for Rotary. It was formed in 2015 and has ambitious plans to make a real difference in creating a world for future generations where our environment thrives.
Our membership includes Rotarians and the wider Rotary Family of Rotaractors, Interactors, Alumni and others. ESRAG has divided the world into 12 Chapters of which ESRAG Oceania is one.
We formed ESRAG to empower members of the Rotary Family worldwide to take actions to sustain our environment, particularly to stabilize our climate.
ESRAG provides an organizing point and informational resources to share information with clubs and communities about sustainable practices and the global humanitarian crisis of climate change.
Our action model: Identify environmental leaders within the Rotary world, assist them in initiating environmental service projects that are meaningful to THEM, help where we can, and acknowledge and publicize their awesome work.
ESRAG operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International.

The Oceania leadership team
Districts & Clubs
New South Wales
District 9650, 9670, 9675, 9685, 9700, 9710
Northern Territory
South Australia
District 9780, 9790, 9800, 9810, 9820
Western Australia
Key Documents
ESRAG Oceania Brochure
View PDF
PETS Environment Planner and Resources
View PDF
Club Environment Sustainability Committee
View PDF
Action Guides
Action guide
Coming soon