Rotary Project

District 9810 Tree Project
9810, Victoria, Australia.
Keywords: BIODIVERSITY, Tree Planting, intergenerational, habitat restoration, carbon offset, farm productivity
LINK: website
The District 9810 Tree Project involves local Rotary volunteers growing native seedlings at home, before planting them on farmland in Beaufort to aid Landcare’s efforts to build wildlife corridors and reduce soil erosion in the region. It brings Rotarians and affiliates together for fun, hands on volunteering, making connections with each other, country Rotary clubs, local organisations and landowners.
Rotarians and Rotaractors from seven clubs across Districts 9810 and 9780 have joined forces to sow, grow and plant out seedlings of indigenous trees on rural properties near Beaufort Victoria, Australia. Over ten years, these willing volunteers, from several generations, have planted more than 11,000 seedlings.
The project has led to many outcomes: the trees have created habitat for wildlife, they create shelterbelts and windbreaks for stock, they are taking up carbon and are reducing erosion and runoff during wet weather.