At ESRAG Oceania we are a small team of Rotarians
who enthusiastically believe that individual actions
can truly make a difference.
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We also believe that ESRAG provides an unrivalled opportunity as changemakers to create substantial meaningful impact at a time that the world needs to heal.
So what can YOU do to take meaningful action?
Get involved with our ESRAG Oceania Chapter
Get Involved and help us build the ESRAG network of changemakers
Whatever your skills or passions we have roles where you can get involved.
You can help us grow the network and create a platform that supports the efforts of Districts and Clubs in our region to grow and to implement meaningful projects and club activities that support Environmental Sustainability
Become an Environmental Sustainability Champion
Become one of the Environmental Sustainability Champions in your District or Club
Rotary has over 535 Districts and 35,000 Clubs. Our aim is at ESRAG Oceania is to help establish Environmental Sustainability Committees within each of these in our region.
We’ll help support you and your Club to take action.
Perhaps you’ve already stepped up to the plate as an ES representative in your club to ‘futureproof’ your club.
Reduce your personal footprint
Take Individual actions that reduce your Ecological Footprint
While yoiu can help create systemic change, there are also countless opportunities to be taking small personal actions that inspire your friends and family to do the same.
We are working on some Action Guides to make it easier to identify actions that might fit your lifestyle for reducing food waste to improved energy efficiencies.
Become an ambassador

Become an Environment Ambassador
WHY do we need Ambassadors?
With Environment as a new Area of Focus (or cause) for Rotary, many Rotarians and their clubs will be keen to learn about this new area of focus, about key environmental issues, what they can do in their own lives and in their clubs to take action, how to best take action and how involvement in environmental activities may benefit them and their club.
Ambassadors will be the first port of call for these Rotarians (and Rotaractors) and their clubs. Ambassadors may be called upon to give presentations and workshops at clubs and at District events, and to help a club and/or district set up an environment committee.
In short, they will become indispensable catalysts to support action for the environment throughout Rotary.
WHAT is the Ambassadors training course all about?
The purpose of the Ambassadors’ training course is to enable and empower participants to encourage and inspire environmental leadership and action within the Rotary family.
This virtual training course is delivered by experienced presenters and facilitators.
The training course will include 5 workshops of Primary Training (7 Core Modules ) with additional Further Training (Elective Modules) and On-going Learning provided.
The course will use best-practice principles of adult learning.
Participants may self-nominate or be nominated by their District to attend the training course.
Participants will be mentored during and after the training course.
Participants who complete all required tasks will receive an Ambassadors Certificate.
Participants will be invited to join a Community of Practice (CoP*).
WHO can be an Ambassador?
Any Rotarian or Rotaractor with a passion for the environment, a willingness to learn and to commit to completing the training requirements and undertaking leadership initiatives (e.g. conducting workshops or events, giving presentations) can apply to become an Ambassador.
HOW does a Rotarian or Rotaractor apply to become an Ambassador?
Interested Rotarians or Rotaractors should either complete the online application form or download the application form and return it as described in the form.
The deadline for applications is 24 August 2021.
Please note that there is a limit to the number of participants in the course.
WHEN does the training commence?
The first training course will commence on Saturday, 28 August. The Primary Training will be comprise five workshops, with the final workshop being held on Saturday, 23 October. Additional workshops will be held for the Further Training modules, as advised.
Details will be provided to successful applicants. It is anticipated that a second training course will be held early in 2022.
Join our Chapter
As Rotary’s voice on the Environment in the Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands region we at ESRAG Oceania, need your support to help us maximise our impact on leaving a better world for future generations.