Recycled School Furniture for Timor Leste
Keilor, 9800, Victoria, Australia.
To ship container loads of recycled school furniture to Timor Leste to be distributed by the Timor Leste Education Department.

Project Categories
CIRCULAR ECONOMY, Recycled Furniture
Other Keyword(s)
, School Furniture, Desks, Chairs
Project Status
Start Date
Project last Updated
October 2020
Volunteer Hours:
Cash Contributions:
In Kind Contributions:
Project Contact(s)
David Dippie, Keilor
Timor Leste Education Department
Victorian Education Department
Any Club or individual can be a partner in the project. The goods are readily available at all DIK Stores and can be shipped to Timor Leste or other countries.
Volunteers Wanted
To collect donations and take the them to the West Footscray Donations In Kind store. This is a standard DIK activity and the goods may go to another project.
Financial Support
Ongoing A$20 to send a desk and chair set, $500 / Classroom $2000 / school
Gathering surplus school furniture to recycle is a standard DIK activity. Timor Leste is disparately short of school equipment.
Many schools replace equipment before it is worn out and much is available for recycling. Without Rotary DIK much of it would become landfill.
We supply student furniture to the Timor Leste Education Department who distribute it to disadvantaged schools.
- We give provide schools and students with essential equipment
- We keep plastics and metals out of landfill
- We provide Victorian Schools with a recycling opportunity.
Video Showcase
Project More Info
Timor Leste is the poorest country in our region and recognises that education is the key to the country’s future. The country makes a major contribution to education, but with a growing population and a commitment for students to increase the years they spend at school there are insufficient funds to do every thing they would like to.
This it the top priority that the Timor Leste Government has asked Rotary to assist with.
If shipping funds where available we could ship all of the surplus school furniture that Victoria produces to Timor Leste.
Three container loads have been shipped – 1500+ desks and chairs. A container is ready to go when West Footscray DIK opens.
If is part of the ANZPI School Furniture Recycling Program.