Adopt A Highway

Adopt A Highway

Rotary Project Idea   Adopt A Highway    Keywords: Ideas, Pollution Solutions, Cleanups, Pollination Form a collaborative relationship with a local council and ‘Adopt a Stretch of Highway’ There may be branding opportunities as per the Corowa NSW...
Tops and Tags

Tops and Tags

Rotary Project   Tops and Tags   Brisbane Taylor Bridge,9630, Queensland, Australia.  Keywords: CIRCULAR ECONOMY, POLLUTION SOLUTIONS, Plastics LINK: website Collect plastic bottle tops and bread bag tags district-wide to process at Ocean Crusaders and make...
Containers for Change

Containers for Change

Rotary Project   Containers for Change   Brisbane Taylor Bridge,9630, Queensland, Australia.  Keywords: CIRCULAR ECONOMY, POLLUTION SOLUTIONS, Plastics LINK: website The club collects all recyclable plastic bottles and recycles them through Tomra with a...
Corowa Clean-up the Highway  Copy

Corowa Clean-up the Highway Copy

Rotary Project   Corowa Clean-up the Highway   Corowa, 9790, New South Wales, Australia.  Keywords: Cleanup, LINK: website Corowa Clean-up the Highway was inspired by the Keep Australia Beautiful campaign. Rotarians Graeme Campbell and David Talbot, though...
Adopt A Highway

Corowa Clean-up the Highway

Corowa Clean-up the Highway   Corowa, 9790, New South Wales, Australia.  Keywords: Cleanup, LINK: website Corowa Clean-up the Highway was inspired by the Keep Australia Beautiful campaign. Rotarians Graeme Campbell and David Talbot, though it would be a good idea...